2020.03.22 COVID-19 China Wuhan Corona Virus Pneumonia in Taiwan 武漢肺炎在臺灣之觀察日記

2020.03.22 / 169 (+16) cases / 2 deaths / 28 recovered
133(+13) imported cases / 36(+3) local cases

Yesterday, some evidences show Chinese citizens were trying transferring from Taiwan to other countries, attempting to mislead others that the virus carry from Taiwan.

Our government announced to forbid these passengers today.

Most of citizens have outstanding alertness. Although the cases have been risen a lot these days, a major portion of cases came overseas, the situation is still barely controlled for now.

A survey said, 80% of industries are infected by the virus, especially relate to the tourism industry, many tourist guides are given unpaid leave until Jun., they have to find a part time job or do handcrafts at home.
有一項調查顯示,80% 以上的行業都受到疫情影響,旅遊相關產業更是損失慘重,很多人都被放無薪假到五月底,他們不得不去找臨時打工、或是在家做手工藝。

Watching some videos about the situation in other countries, glad that more and more countries have been woken up.


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