什麼時候用 there is no?
- 如果名詞是不可數名詞的時候,使用 there is no
什麼時候用 there are no?
- 如果名詞是可數名詞的時候,使用 there are no
什麼時候 there are no 跟 there is no 都可以使用?
- 如果名詞同時可作為可數與不可數的型態,且本身就有細微差異。(如 fishes/fish)。
- 這種狀況下,兩個句子的用法也會有細微差異。
There is no / there are no 用法比較表
there’s no | there’re no | |
countable noun |
❌ |
Can you get me an apple from the table? ✅ There’re no apples. |
uncountable noun |
✅ There’s no water in the river. |
❌ |
a noun is both countable and uncountable |
✅ There’s no fish. (one fish, maybe on a dish) |
✅ There’re no fish. (many fishes, maybe in an aquarium) |
- There's no hair on his head. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of hair)
- There're no hairs in my soup, thankfully. (countable, referring to individual hair strands)
- There's no light in the room; we need to change the bulb. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of illumination)
- There're no lights on the street; it's very dark. (countable, referring to individual light sources)
- There's no paper left in the printer. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of paper)
- There're no papers on the table; they must've been moved. (countable, referring to individual documents)
- There's no glass in the window; it must have been broken. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of glass material)
- There're no glasses on the shelf; they must be in the dishwasher. (countable, referring to individual glass cups)
- There's no noise outside; it's so quiet. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of noise)
- There're no noises coming from the attic; I think the mice are gone. (countable, referring to individual sounds)
- There's no fish in the aquarium; we need to buy some for our new setup. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of fish)
- There's no fish in the pond; the water is too polluted. (uncountable, referring to the general absence of fish)
- There're no fish left in the tank; we must have sold them all. (countable, referring to individual fish)
- There're no fish swimming near the surface of the aquarium; they must be hiding at the bottom. (countable, referring to individual fish)
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