What's the feeling like of learning two languages at the same time? Is it super hard?

I've been asked hundreds of times:
What's the feeling like of learning two languages at the same time? Is it super hard?

Technically, I'm not learning two languages at the same time, I don't need to switch my brain between English and Mandarin anymore, maybe just need a little bit in specific circumstances from time to time. I started learning Spanish when I noticed that English isn't affected by my mother tongue much, otherwise I might lost all of them.

I don't think I can learn two languages at the same time, at least it should be different systems, maybe you can learn Japanese and Spanish at the same time, but not English and Spanish. (Japanese and Spanish are the best choices if you want to learn two langues at the same time as they have the same vowels and pronunciation)

Unlike learning English, Spanish learners don't follow Mandarin logic to learn Spanish, we are affected by English the most, and I think that's not an issue related to learners' English skill, just because these languages have same symbols.

The question should be changed to "What's the feeling like of using the second language to learn the third language?"

You might think that's strenuous, but it's not that hard if your second language is good enough. What's "good enough"? If you can watch unboxing videos in 1.25x of speed on Youtube in your second language and you're able to catch 90% of the speaking, it means your second language is good enough.

So, what the problem is?

It's just the same as learning the second language, you don't struggle on your native language and the aimed language anymore, instead, now is your second language fighting against the third language. As you've made such enormous effort on the second language, you may thought that you're losing your second language so that you're brain refuses to accept the third one.

One thing you can do, is to convince your brain that mixing languages up is common, don't be afraid to mess up in all of your languages.



  1. 我老師 English with Joe / 1堂就能上 / 高品質1on1 (介紹) (請 私訊我) 讀者優惠
  2. TutorABC 成人 / TutorJR 兒童美語 / 英 / 24小時上課 / 90%+ 歐美老師 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  3. 巨匠西班牙文 / 英文 / 英日西韓法德 / 專業線型教材 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  4. OiKID / 兒美 / 符合 108 課綱 / 課前可看試教錄影 (介紹)
  5. Ringle / 英 / 頂大英美外師 / AI 量化進步曲線 / 價格透明 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  6. BizeTalk / 英 / 超平價 / 道地美式英文紮實教材 (介紹)
  7. 51Talk / 兒美 / 遊戲化上課介面 / 24小時上課 (介紹)
  8. 尚進 / 美日韓 / 雙語老師 & 實體教材 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  9. YesOnline / 英 / 超花人力的一對一 客製課 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  10. WUWOW / 英 / 25分鐘一堂 / 15 分鐘前皆可免費取消 (介紹)
  11. NativeCamp / 英 / 每月 1899 一對一不限堂數免綁約吃到飽 (介紹)
  12. 歌倫比亞 / 英 / 機構類最高度客製化一對一 (介紹)
  13. ETalking / 英 / 嚴格分級 (介紹)
  14. Hi家教 / 英西日韓德法 / 月付999 低於5堂也可上課 (介紹)
  15. 自學 SPEAK AI / 英 / 比 ChatGPT 還強的 AI 老師 (介紹)
  16. 自學 ChatSpeakify / 英 / 與 AI 練習雅思跟托福口說 (介紹) 讀者優惠
  17. 英代外語 / 英日韓
  18. Engoo / 英 / 一對一
  19. Lingoda / 英德西法 / 60 天免費挑戰
  20. EF English Live / 英 / 跟不同國家的人當同學
  21. Winning English / 英 / 多益班
  22. English Ninjas / 英 / 一對一
  23. Cambly / 英 / 一對一
  24. OneClass / 英 / 兒童美語
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