本篇內容整理自 TutorABC Podcast 主題:
EP 01 當你沒有網路,你還能做些什麼?What if we didn't have the internet (Joe)
Joe from tutor ABC asks what if today's. What if question is, what if the Internet never exists? Let's think about education. If the internet didn't exist, we would be more independent, right? Would autonomy be a bigger part of students and teachers and everyone?
Do you hate queues as much as I do? If the internet didn't exist, we'd have to start queuing up again. Thanks to the internet, you rarely see a queue these days. When was the last time you stood in a queue?
Handwriting is a noun, which means the style of someone's writing. My handwriting is awful these days. But what I like in handwriting skills, I make up for in typing skills. Maybe without the Internet, we'd all have beautiful handwriting.
If the Internet didn't exist, do you think we'd have better social lives? I wouldn't be able to get around without the Internet. But isn't there a beauty in getting lost sometimes?
英文單字 / 中文意思 / 例句
A line of people waiting to enter a building or waiting to buy something.
There was a long queue outside the store during the sale.
The style of someone's writing.
Her handwriting is very neat and easy to read.
Social life
The activities in your life relating to your friends and family.
My social life has improved since I joined the club.
Get around
To go from place to place.
She doesn't have a car, so she uses public transportation to get around.
Free spirit
Someone who acts freely and doesn't follow the expectations of others.
He's always been a free spirit, traveling the world and trying new things.
The ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else.
The new manager encourages employee autonomy and creative thinking.
Podcast 逐字稿與翻譯
What’s going on, everyone? This is Joe from TutorABC asking what if today’s. What if question is, what if the Internet never exists? Listed? It’s a big one. Let’s get into it.
First, let’s talk about autonomy, okay? Autonomy is a noun, and autonomy means the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else. Like independence. If the internet didn’t exist, we would be more independent, right? Let’s think about education.
Students would be harder working, wouldn’t they? Think about when you were at school, at high school, or at college or university. I know for me personally, the internet played a pretty big part in my education. I know that many students today use the internet to help them with their homework or coursework or assignments or whatever they have to do, right? And the same goes for teachers.
I couldn’t really do my job without the internet. I mean, I teach online anyway, so I need the internet. But I mean, I use the internet to help me find resources, to help me find information to share with students.
So if I didn’t have that, would that force me to be more autonomous? Would autonomy be a bigger part of students and teachers and everyone? Maybe autonomy extends out further and it goes past education. You know, after we graduate and after we get a job, we use the internet to teach us skills and to learn things every day. I think I don’t just speak for myself.
I think you guys too, you probably use the internet every day to learn something. I wonder how much we actually learn every day just because of having the internet at our fingertips. Do you hate queues as much as I do?
A queue. That’s Q-U-E-U-E,
is a noun which means a line of people waiting to enter a building or waiting to buy something.
We can also use queue as a phrasal verb with up. For example, I don’t like to queue up.
So let me ask you again. Do you hate queues as much as I do? Do you hate queuing up? If the internet didn’t exist, we’d have to start queuing up again. We’d have to make queues at the bank, we’d have to make queues at shops, we’d have to make queues outside of events, even in restaurants.
Maybe at taxi ranks waiting to get a taxi. Queues were everywhere. But thanks to the internet, you rarely see a queue these days.
Now I hate queues. I really think one of the best things that the internet got rid of in my life is queues. I don’t need to stand in line at the bank in order to deposit cash or make a payment.
I don’t need to queue up at the shop. When buying things. I can just click a button and the internet does it all for me.
Think about it. When was the last time you stood in a queue? Are you still thinking, trying to remember the last time you stood in a queue. Maybe some of you are maybe some of you could easily recall a time that you last stood in a queue.
Okay, I’m not saying that they’ve completely disappeared, but I think they are much less common these days, thanks to the Internet. Handwriting. What does your handwriting look like? Do you even remember? Handwriting is a noun, which means the style of someone’s writing.
If the Internet didn’t exist, I would probably still remember how to write with a pen in my hand. Okay, that’s a little much. I can remember how to write, but barely.
Do you know what I mean? My handwriting is awful these days. It looks like a chicken scratching on paper. But what I like in handwriting skills, I make up for in typing skills.
I can type fast and I feel at home with a keyboard under my fingertips. If you put a pen in my hand, though, yeah, I start to really freak out. So maybe without the Internet, we’d all have beautiful handwriting and it would be something that identifies us more.
I remember at school, handwriting was kind of a big deal, right? How your handwriting looked. Other kids cared about that and they made fun of you sometimes if you had really bad handwriting, and if you had really beautiful handwriting, they’d still make fun of you. Anyway, I digress our social lives.
Is your social life better or worse? Without the internet? Social life is a compound noun. It refers to the activities in your life relating to your friends and your family. If the Internet didn’t exist, do you think we’d have better social lives? I don’t know about this one.
I mean, we’d probably see each other more often. We’d meet up and hang out just like we used to, right? But what about people who have a social life because of the Internet? What about people who have met their friends online or they’ve become part of a community because of the Internet? Think about the last time you saw your friends. That’s probably not the best question, considering we’re in a global pandemic.
But before that, right? Was it too long ago? Do you think the Internet is to blame? Getting around? I wouldn’t be able to get around without the Internet, not even in my own city. To get around is a phrasal verb which means to go from place to place. If the Internet didn’t exist, how would we get around? Really think about that.
Have you ever asked for directions when you’re lost? It’s pretty awkward and embarrassing to approach a stranger and ask them to point you in the right direction. Now we can just whip out our smartphones and look at a digital map without the internet. We’d have to go back to the old ways, walking around asking people, hey, where’s the library? Or where’s the supermarket? Is this Trafalgar Square? I’d get lost all the time if I didn’t have a map app on my smartphone, especially when I’m traveling.
But isn’t there a beauty in getting lost sometimes? Get lost? Is Joe telling me to get lost? Is he crazy? No. Listen, let me explain. When you go traveling, you can plan everything perfectly.
You can put in the destination of where you want to go in your app, and the map will give you the perfect route. It’ll show you how long it’ll take, where you need to go. It’ll show you everything you need to know.
And it’s ready. It’s a plan. Now all you have to do is follow it.
Like a robot, not like a free spirit. A free spirit? A free spirit is someone who acts freely and doesn’t follow the expectations of others. A free spirit is someone who doesn’t mind getting lost when they’re traveling because they know that they might go on a little adventure.
They might see something exciting. They might meet somebody really interesting. Well, that really is a lot to think about.
What if the Internet never existed? This was me, Joe, at Tutor ABC, asking you, the listener, what if? Thanks for listening.
大家好,我是來自 TutorABC 的 Joe,今天要來問一個「如果」的問題。今天的「如果」問題是:如果沒有網路,會怎麼樣?這是一個很大的問題,讓我們來探討一下。
排隊,就是 Q-U-E-U-E,是一個名詞,意思是一群人等著進入建築物或者買東西的行列。
我們也可以用 queue up 這個片語動詞來表示排隊。例如,I don’t like to queue up.
那麼讓我再問你一次。你有沒有像我一樣討厭排隊?你討厭 queue up 嗎?如果沒有網路的話,我們就得重新開始排隊了。我們得在銀行排隊,得在商店排隊,得在活動外面排隊,甚至在餐廳也要排隊。
如果沒有網際網路怎麼辦呢?這是我,Joe,在 TutorABC 跟你聊天時提出來問觀眾你:「要是這樣會如何?」謝謝收聽。
本篇內容整理自 TutorABC Podcast 主題:
EP 01 當你沒有網路,你還能做些什麼?What if we didn't have the internet (Joe)
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