6 個情緒勒索英文用法 除了 Emotional Blackmail 還能這樣說




psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator - Merriam Webster

Emotional Blackmail 用法

Emotional Blackmail 是最常見的情緒勒索的英文說法。描述一個人利用情感來操控或威脅他人,以達到自己的目的。


  • Noun: He used emotional blackmail to make her stay in the relationship.
    • 他使用情緒勒索讓她繼續這段關係。
  • Verb: She felt emotionally blackmailed into agreeing to his demands.
    • 她覺得自己被情緒勒索而不得不同意他的要求。

Guilt Trip 中文意思與用法

Guilt Trip 用來描述一個人讓另一個人感到內疚,以此來操控他們的行為。


  • Noun: She went on a guilt trip, making him feel responsible for her unhappiness.
    • 她讓他感到內疚,覺得自己要為她的不快負責。
  • Verb: He guilt-tripped her into lending him money.
    • 他讓她感到內疚,從而借給他錢。

Manipulative Behavior 用法

操縱性行為 Manipulative Behavior 是指一個人利用他人情感或弱點來達到自己的目的,這也是情緒勒索的一種形式。


  • Noun: His manipulative behavior made it difficult for her to say no.
    • 他的操縱性行為讓她很難說不。
  • Adjective: He was manipulative, always finding ways to get what he wanted.
    • 他很會操縱人,總是能找到方法達到自己的目的。

Playing the Victim 中文意思與用法

Playing the Victim 指的是一個人裝作受害者,以此來博取同情並操控他人。也可以說是綠茶婊的英文。


  • Noun: By always playing the victim, she managed to get everyone's sympathy.
    • 她總是裝作受害者,成功地博得了大家的同情。
  • Verb: He was playing the victim to avoid taking responsibility.
    • 他裝作受害者來逃避責任。

Emotional Manipulation 中文意思與用法

Emotional Manipulation 是一個廣泛的術語,用來描述利用情感來控制或影響他人的行為。


  • Noun: Emotional manipulation is a common tactic used by abusers to control their victims.
    • 情感操縱是虐待者用來控制受害者的常見手段。
  • Adjective: She was emotionally manipulative, always using others' feelings to her advantage.
    • 她很會情感操縱,總是利用別人的情感來達到自己的目的。

Gaslighting 中文意思與用法

Gaslighting 是一種心理操控術語,指的是一個人故意使另一個人質疑自己的記憶、感知和理智,從而達到控制的目的。


  • Noun: Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse.
    • Gaslighting 是一種心理虐待。
  • Verb: He was gaslighting her, making her doubt her own sanity.
    • 他在對她進行心理操控,使她懷疑自己的理智。


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情緒勒索英文 情勒英文 綠茶婊英文


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