Business idiom #lesson91

If women want to climb the corporate ladder, they may have to sacrifice some of their family life.

CORPORATE LADDER在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

climb the corporate ladder 晉升、升遷
My friend eventually achieved her ambition to climb the corporate ladder , thus we had a celebrated party yesterday.

She keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out.

bail sb/sth out漢語(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

bail sb/sth out 拯救某人脫離困境
I shouldn't bail her out, she lied me.

Who hasn't dreamed of giving the rat race up to live on a sunny island?

Fancy Greek island life? Cat care into the bargain - BBC News

rat race 激烈的競爭
Having rat race maybe is positive for the sales department.

pass the buck 推卸責任

bite the bullet 咬緊牙關應對

took a pay cut 減薪

brownie points 得到讚許

jump the gun 言之過早、過早的行動 (負面形容)

pull the plug 制止、停止

down to the wire 直到最後關頭、壓死線

compare apples to oranges

compare apples to apples


turn out 結果是...、最終成為




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