2020.03.29 Journal of Wuhan Pneumonia in Taiwan 武漢肺炎在臺灣日記

2020.03.29 / 298 (+15) cases / 2 deaths / 39 (+9) recovered
255 (+14, UK2, US2, FR2) imported / 43(+1) indigenous

55 Taiwanese citizens who trapped in Peru due to the lockdown successfully evacuated, this 2nd batch of Taiwanese flight also carried Japanese, Malaysian, Singaporean and Americans of 84 citizens back to their home. Taiwan can help, in any ways.
55名在秘魯封城時被困住的臺灣人成功離開秘魯了,這第二班臺灣包機同時載了日本、馬來西亞、新加坡和美國共 84 人回到他們家。臺灣可以幫上忙,以任何形式。

A survey says over 74% of citizens want to change our English national name from Republic Of China to Taiwan on the cover of passport. This name has brought many persecutions for us, especially during the Wuhan pneumonia, Taiwanese people prone to be misidentified as Chinese people.
一份民調指出 74% 以上的國人想把護照上的英文國名 ROC 更換成 Taiwan。這個國名為臺灣人帶來太多困擾,特別在武漢肺炎期間易於被誤認為中國人。

Will we see our national name officially change to Taiwan in near future? I really hope so. I get fed up with explaining the difference between China and Taiwan, that's the same as explaining the difference between South Korea and North Korea, you won't mix them up, so why do people mix up Taiwan and China? Because of the official name, and the arbitrary claim from China said that Taiwan is a part of China.

The CDC's commander said that they are mapping out a policy to restrict the social distance of queues, it's sort of weird, how to practically do the law enforcement?


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