In addition 用法、意思與例句
In addition / 介系詞 / 用於表示增加或補充已有的內容。
- In addition to the regular menu, we also have a specials board with daily specials.
(除了常規菜單外,我們還有每天的特色菜單。) - The hotel has a pool, a spa, and, in addition, a fitness centre.
(這家酒店除了游泳池和水療中心,還有健身中心。) - I have a busy day tomorrow. In addition, I have to work late tonight.
On the other hand 用法、意思與例句
On the other hand / 連接詞 / 用於引出相反的想法或觀點。
- She loves the beach, but on the other hand, she hates the heat.
(她喜歡海灘,但另一方面,她不喜歡炎熱。) - Some people enjoy working from home, while on the other hand, others prefer going to the office.
(有些人喜歡在家工作,而有些人則喜歡在辦公室工作。) - The team's defence was strong, but on the other hand, their offence struggled to score.
Moreover 用法、意思與例句
Moreover / 副詞 / 用於在前面提到的事情之外,還有更多的事情。
- The restaurant has great food, a lovely atmosphere, and, moreover, fantastic service.
(這家餐廳的食物很好,環境也很愉快,而且服務也非常出色。) - She is not only talented but, moreover, incredibly hardworking.
(她不僅有才華,而且工作非常努力。) - The new system not only saves time but, moreover, reduces the risk of errors.
Furthermore 用法、意思與例句
Furthermore / 副詞 / 用於在已有的事實或觀點之外,還有更多的證據或事實。
- The company has a great product, strong leadership, and, furthermore, a dedicated team.
(這家公司不但產品優秀、管理階層實力強大,而且還有一個敬業的團隊。) - The book is not only well-written, but furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the industry.
(這本書不僅寫得好,而且還提供了對行業有價值的見解。) - He has a lot of experience, strong recommendations, and, furthermore, an impressive track record.
In conclusion 用法、意思與例句
In conclusion / 介系詞 / 用於總結文章或論點的結論。
- In conclusion, the research shows that exercise has numerous health benefits.
(總歸來說,研究顯示運動對健康有許多益處。) - We have evaluated all the candidates, and in conclusion, John is the best fit for the job.
(我們評估了所有的候選人,最後結論是,約翰是這份工作的最佳人選。) - We have discussed the issue from all angles, and in conclusion, we should invest in renewable energy to reduce our carbon footprint.
As a result 用法、意思與例句
As a result / 介系詞 / 用於表達因某個行動、事件或決策的發生,造成某些結果或影響。
- He didn't study for the exam, and as a result, he failed.
(他沒有為考試做準備,因此失敗了。) - The company invested heavily in marketing, and as a result, sales increased significantly.
(這家公司大力投資於行銷,結果銷售額大幅增加。) - She missed the train, and as a result, she was late for the meeting.
Due to 用法、意思與例句
Due to / 介系詞 / 用於表示某個事件、狀況或決策的原因。
注意這邊的 to 是整個片語的一部分,並不是動詞前面的 to。
而 "to" 本身做為其他詞的搭配詞時,多半會作為介系詞使用。
所以~介系詞後面永遠都不會是原型動詞,而必須使用名詞或動名詞 (動詞+ing)。
- Due to the rain, the baseball game was postponed.
(因為下雨,棒球比賽延期了。) - Due to the pandemic, many businesses had to close down.
(由於疫情,許多企業不得不關閉。) - Due to her injury, she was unable to compete in the championship.
(由於她受傷了,她無法參加錦標賽。) - Due to studying late into the night, I was able to pass the test with flying colours.
(由於熬夜唸書,我能夠大獲全勝地通過考試。) - The company's profits suffered due to not investing enough in marketing.
(由於未投足夠的資源在行銷上,這家公司的利潤受到影響。) - Due to his love of cooking, he decided to enrol in culinary school.
Nonetheless 用法、意思與例句
Nonetheless / 副詞 / 用於表示雖意識到某件事情的重要性,但仍然提出異議或對另一件事情進行反駁。
- The movie had a few flaws. Nonetheless, it was still enjoyable.
(這部電影有一些破綻,但是還是很好看。) - The restaurant was busy, but nonetheless, the service was excellent.
(這家餐廳很忙,但仍然提供了出色的服務。) - The project was completed on time, but nonetheless, it was over budget.
Consequently 用法、意思與例句
Consequently / 連接詞 / 用於表示因某個行動、事件或決策的發生,造成某些結果或影響。
- She missed the train and, consequently, was late for the meeting.
(她沒趕上火車,因此開會遲到了。) - The company failed to innovate and, consequently, lost market share.
(這家公司沒有創新,因此失去了市場份額。) - He didn't wear a helmet and consequently, suffered a head injury.
In spite of 用法、意思與例句
In spite of / 介系詞 / 用於表示即使某件事情發生,某個結果仍然不受影響。
通常後面只加簡單的名詞,不會詳細講原因。像是 because of 的用法。
- In spite of the rain, the team still played the game.
(儘管下雨,這個隊還是參與了比賽。) - In spite of her fear of heights, she went bungee jumping.
(儘管害怕高度,她還是去高空彈跳了。) - In spite of the delay, the project was still completed on time.
As a matter of fact 用法、意思與例句
As a matter of fact / 介系詞 / 用於指出某個觀點或結論是根據可驗證的事實得出的。
- As a matter of fact, the company's profits have been increasing steadily over the past year.
(事實上,這家公司的利潤在過去一年裡穩步成長。) - As a matter of fact, the research shows that sleep is essential to good health.
(事實上,研究顯示睡眠對健康相當重要。) - As a matter of fact, John is the only candidate with experience in this field.
In other words 用法、意思與例句
In other words / 介系詞 / 用於重新用簡單或更容易理解的方式表達同一個觀念或概念。
- The dress code is business casual; in other words, no jeans or sneakers.
(服裝規定是商務休閒,換句話說,不能穿牛仔褲或運動鞋。) - She is a foodie; in other words, she loves trying new and exotic foods.
(她是一個吃貨,換句話說,她喜歡嚐試新的和異國風味的食物。) - The project requires extensive research; in other words, a lot of time and effort will be needed.
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