My Pronunciation Is Perfect #131

I got a fantastic feedback from this class, the tutor said:

VC, your pronunciation is perfect, I can't help you any more.

George L. 2019/8/7

George was my first level-10-evaluation tutor, he focused on grammar and pronunciation strictly but kept humorous. And when I realized this class I'd meet him again let me got a few nervous... then I went to sleep to got full conscious to cope with this lesson. ?
George 是我第一堂10級評估課的顧問,他上課非常會挑學生文法跟發音錯誤,他也是我最愛的英國籍老師,有著英國老師一貫的幽默感,雖然認真、嚴格,卻不失幽默,但當我看到這堂課是他上時,我還是覺得得把皮繃緊了......所以我就跑去睡覺,盡量保持清醒上他的課 ?

I received much same feedback from different tutors whom suggested me speak slowly, sometimes I felt this is a hard work for me cause my speak speed also fast in my mother tongue, I also doing speak slowly in mother tongue in certain situations.
自從九級開始,我收到很多顧問建議我講話慢一點。其實我就算講中文也是講很快,也正在練習在某些場合中放慢速度,之前上了聲音表達課,學習到要「有意識地講話」是很累人的事情,必須注意聲調、斷句、速度、拋物線(抱歉我只能這麼形容)、節奏、韻律、表情、回饋、發聲位置..... 很容易做到幾點卻忘了幾點。

Modal verbs 情態動詞:
can, could, will, would, must
(X) to  -- must to
(X) ing -- must going
尤其是 must to,是常見的錯誤。

does/do 加強語氣:
EX: Although charcoal is easier to use and does produce some smoke ..... 
就算拿掉 does 也是個正確的句子,為什麼要加 does ?
是用來加強語氣用 (emphasizes),通常會放在第二句,不會放在第一句。


  1. aficionado n. 狂熱愛好者
    I am aficionado of sleeping.  
  2. briquette n. 煤磚、煤餅、碳磚 (就算是中文我也不知道這是什麼)
  3. procure vt. 獲得 (非常努力)
  4. charcoal n. v. 木炭 / 用木炭
  5. cumbersome adj. 笨重的、難處理的
    Even though I procured the fuel which charcoal briquettes were cumbersome.
  6. gadget n. /ˈɡædʒ.ɪt/  小器具
    The tutor said the word gadget is crazy English. ?
  7. peel v. n. 剁
  8. smolder n. vi. 悶燒
  9. paramount n. adj. 最重要的
    To finish this article is paramount for me. I already writing 1.5 hour. ( should add s in hour? is it plural or singular ?)
  10. impart vt. 給予
  11. tethered v. 拘束
  12. lump 結塊
  13. carbon n. 碳
  14. impurities n. 雜質
  15. tong 鉗子
  16. spatula 抹刀
  17. fireproof 防火
  18. pool-proof 防呆 --- 顧問延伸加碼
  19. lid 蓋子
  20. patio 庭院 (位於樓層外的外展庭院,不是花園那麼大的東西)
  21. butcher 屠夫
本文是先寫英文,再回過頭寫中文,中英文間不是翻譯的關連。 This content written in English firstly and Chinese secondly, they’re not in translation-relationship.


Pasted into The Art of Cooking Outdoors 131



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